talk to me nice.
Singer songwriter Ari Lennox is featured on a song where she sings: “Self love is the best love.” I love that line because it's true. We can’t expect to truly receive love from others if we aren’t giving it to ourselves first.
I believe that one of the best ways to start showing love to ourselves is by talking to ourselves in the same way we would talk to our children or how we would want someone to talk to our children. Be mindful of the words you use to talk to yourself and how those words or thoughts make you feel. Be patient and encouraging with yourself.
Think about how you talk to yourself does it make you feel inspired, encouraged, hopeful, optimistic? Or do your words leave you feeling anxious, fearful, ashamed, or inferior? If you want to feel good you can’t allow your thoughts to bully you with words of hate, doubt or ridicule even if it is just in jest. There’s nothing funny about using harmful words in regards to who you are or mistakes you’ve made or are making in efforts to do something. Learn to be your own biggest fan first.
Confidence is contagious. Conceit is contaminating. These words are far from synonymous. Start pouring love into yourself and taking pride in even the little tasks that you complete and see how that small positive mental shift will make a huge impact in your life. Love yourself how you want others to love you, it starts with your own words.
By Ernest Moore