Don't Run From Your Health by Ernest Moore
I know I want to talk about the mental health taboo in America. I want to talk about the normalcy of negative self talk. I want to talk about mindfulness and self care. I want to talk about self help and or spiritual books that have helped me. I want to talk about the importance of listening to our bodies and getting proper rest. I want to talk about music therapy and its benefits or how it’s important to think for yourself and have a personal opinion that you believe in. I want to talk about physical fitness, self accountability and creating safe boundaries for yourself.
I want to talk about all of this, but you know about all of this already. Even if you don't recognize it, you know it. You know that taking a mental health day is something that we all could benefit from. You know that deep breaths are beneficial. You know that self care is non-negotiable even if you are currently negotiating it with your family or your job or even yourself. You know that physical fitness is good for you and holding yourself accountable is not only rewarding, but satisfying. You know the only way to change is to change. You know that our lives are results of our habits: the good and bad ones. You know that everything starts with your mind and that once you master your thoughts, you master your life, but knowing and doing are different things.
I want you to think about ways that you can improve yourself and your life so you can be the best version of yourself for yourself and for those in your life. The average lifestyle in America encourages us to be reactive in regards to our health and I'm challenging you to be proactive. Intentionally take breaths. Say no to things and people that don’t make you happy. Move your body regularly. Eat unprocessed food. Drink water. Stretch. Think positive. Be positive. Get rest. Laugh more.
It is impossible to be good for anyone in your life if your health, whether that be physical or mental, is not up to par. Take time to self assess and recognize if things are going good or can be tweaked to be better. There’s power in that. Do what you have to do in order to be your best self. Don’t run from that responsibility.
By Ernest Moore
Self-awareness and care are super important for sure. Definitely gotta make time to check in on your own progress.
Ernest give us Moore!
Great read and reminder that the inner work is always going to be the most rewarding for ourselves (and others). Check out the book The Sacred Yes by Deborah Johnson.
Ernest give us Moore!
Great read and reminder that the inner work is always going to be the most rewarding for ourselves (and others). Check out the book The Sacred Yes by Deborah Johnson.
Great read, needed this to start my week off right. Thanks Ernest!